English Grammar | Knowledge | Meaning | One Word Substitution
1.A post without remuneration - Honorary
2.A woman whose husband is dead. - Widow
3.A man whose wife is dead. - Widower
4.A women who entertains guests. - Hostess
5.A vehicle which is used to carry a sick or wounded person. - Ambulance
6.A vehicle which is used to carry a dead body.
- Hearse
7.A person who is very cruel. - Fiend
9.A written statement which gives us information.
- Memorandum
10.A hundred years. - Century-
11.A person who visits other countries for pleasure.
- Tourist
12.A thing which can easily be broken. - Fragile
13.A looking upon dark side of things. - Pessimism
14.A person who looks at the dark side of things.
- Pessimist
15.A looking upon bright side of things. - Optimism
16.A person who looks at the bright side of things.
- Optimist
17.An idle talk. - Gossip
18.A person who examines teeth. - Dentist
19.A person who examines eyesight and sells glasses. - Optician
20.Study of living organisms. - Biology
23.A person who studies plants. - Botanist
24.Study of animals. - Zoology
25.A group of ship. - Fleet
27.A plant or an animal which lives on another.
28.A child whose parents are dead. - Orphan
29.A person who is a great lover of his country. - Patriot
30.A person who brings in goods from foreign country.
- Importer
31.A person who sends goods to another country.
- Exporter
32.A person who writes the history of another person.
- Biographer
33.A person who writes his life history.
- Autobiographer
34.The life history of a person written by himself.
- Autobiography
35.The life history of a person written by another
- Biography
36.A man who remains unmarried. - Bachelor
37.A women who remains unmarried. - Maid / Spinster
39.One who cannot read and write. - Illiterate
41.One who does not believe in the existence of God.
- Athiest
42.A person who lives in a foreign country.- Alien
43.A child of the devil. - Imp
44.One who dies for a noble cause. - Martyr
45.A skilled workman. - Master
46.A person who builds a building. - Mason
47.One who is all powerful. - Omnipotent
48.One who is present everywhere. - Omnipresent
49.One who knows everything. - Omniscient
50.One who believes in fate. - Fatalist
52.The letters used in writing a language. - Alphabet
53.Yearly return of the date of an event. - Anniversary
54.One who eats too much. - Glutton
55.A person who guards. - Guardian
57.A plane figure with six sides. - Hexagon
58.A writer of history. - Historian
59.A person who tells a lie. - Liar
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